Enhancing engagement and
Manage AI application
by penetrating
the core of behavior.
An innovative model based on
psychological and behavioral aspects.

- Deepening engagement
- Market expansion by
multi segment solution
- Shortening development cycle
and minimizing mistakes
- יצירת נאמנות והמלצות משתמשים
- יצירת העדפה של צרכנים
- תהליכי פיתוח מוצר המונעים
הטיות וחסמים
- אסטרטגית התאמת מבצעים
- השבת אמון בזמני משבר
- ועוד
סדנאות מתן כלים:
- הקשבה פעילה. כלים להקשבה,
להפרדת מוצהר מאמיתי,
ולזיקוק תובנות
- בנית מפות פרסונה
ומפות מסע לקוח
- על מה צריך לחשוב
כשבבוחרים מבצע
- Utilizing AI
- Delivering benefits through
- Motivating action through
personalized communication
- Enhancing existing offers
Action principles
1. Analyzing data - AI /
Behavioral research /
Reactions to stimuli
2. Identifying the unspoken
root causes of different
3. Formulating a root-cause

- CEO's
- R&D
- Design / Development Managers
- PM (Product Manager)
- Marketing and Sales VPs

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Insights into behavioral and marketing challenges
from a psychological perspective
- Business development,
Market & customer expansion
- Adjusting messages, tutorials,
and conversation scripts
Integrating a behavioral economics perspective into product design
Read more about markting challenges and view customers
Read more about personalization and view examples
Read more about product design and view examples

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Integrating a behavioral economics perspective into product design
The Benefit
• Guide features specification
• Prioritizing features
• Identifying potential barriers
• Integrated tools for gaining
deeper insights and
understanding of customers
• General & custom-built
User engagement
faster, and more effective assimilation

The added value to the development process

Case study
Alerting about a fall of an older family member

Read more about fall alert
Case study
B2C, B2B2C
Learning by
a digital activity

Read more about digital learning

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Co Factor personalizatio
Marketing Challenges

Case study
B2C, B2B2C
Learning by a digital activity
The category is children's App
The business problem is abandonment
after a few uses.
The challenge: Creating a captivating
and engaging experience that encourages adherence, persistence, and motivation
to reuse.
The initial design include content diversity, and a grading system.
The problem:
1. Content diversity = excellent,
but not enough.
2. For some users, the rating itself
presents a barrier.
Especially for those who require
developmental challenges.
Often, this barrier goes unstated
or is unconscious.

Intervening heuristics: Inactive Inertia.
(Initial inaction reduces the probability
of action later on as well).
Too many options can make a person feel unsatisfied and unhappy. Therefore, the amount of options should be personalized or each user.
The solution: Adding a feature that measures associative thinking.
This feature will allow under-achieved children and children with ADHD to experience success, and overcome
their hesitation to be measured.

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Another example of product design
Co Factor personalization
Marketing Challenges

Case study
Alerting about a fall of
an older family member
The category is GPS and movement detection products.
The business problem: The product is not sold even though the payers (adult children) are interested in it. In order to protect their self-image, the elderly resist the product and block its sale.
The challenge: persuading adults to carry the product.
The original design: Emphasized the emergency button that is automatically activated in the event of a fall.
The problem: it defines the elderly as in need of supervision creates a barrier for them to use the product.
Intervening heuristics: emotion heuristic. (Automatic emotional evaluation is the main factor that determines judgment).
Another heuristic to consider is the anchoring effect. (The perceptual starting point affects the general reference to the value proposition).

The solution: Positioning the product as a communication tool between family members and providing fast, simple, and even automatic connections in certain circumstances.
Application to product design:
- Designing the product like a cell phone.
- Adding features such as screen and
speed dial buttons.
- Emphasizing automatic activation while
minimizing distress-related issues.

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Another example of product design
Co Factor personalization
Marketing Challenges

CO Factor Personalization
Penetrates the core of behavior
The brain is a driving force for some individuals,
whereas others are driven
by their hearts or legs (habits).
Ultimately, we need to have
the 'know-how'
to identify and influence each individual in a manner that
is most effective for them.
The benefits
1. Deepen engagement and
strengthen loyalty
2. Business development.
Market & customer expansion

Proven techniques for
CO Factor personalization:
1. When there is Big DATA
Personalization is done by
analyzing the DATA from a
psychological perspective
and combining multiple DATA
patterns into a deeper image.
2. Without access to Big DATA
Personalization is done by
analyzing psychological
insights, drivers, barriers
and preferences.
Case study
An increase in mortgage transactions
Read more about mortgage consultants
Case study
Enhancement of the search engine
and vacation bookings
Read more about vacation booking
Case study
B2B, B2C
Changing Health Behavior
Read more about changing health behavior

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Product Design
Marketing Challenges

Case study
B2B, B2C
Changing Health Behavior
The business problem: There is a loss of potential revenue at the rehabilitation facility because it is not full. [There is only 25% extraction of potential patients].
The main reasons are: Patients avoid attending training; fail to maintain a regular training schedule, and fail to notify of cancellations.
The challenges:
1. Increase adherence
2. Reduce no-shows
Without adding resources and increasing caregiver burden.
The solution: Instead of ‘one solution fits all’ - create personalized conversation scripts that were used at the patient-caregiver interaction.
The motivational content based on the persona and deep understanding of the behavioral reasons (drivers and barriers).

The result: increasing the amount of recovering people by 300%,
in 6 months.
Results published in OnePlus Magazine, 2022

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More examples of personalization
Product Design
Marketing Challenges

Case study
Enhancement of the search engine and vacation bookings
The business problem: There is untapped potential for advertising hotels in cities such as Eastern Europe.
The reason: Searching popular categories yields the known alternatives.
The challenge: Changing search and destination habits without compromising efficiency or comfort.
Three main heuristics influence that decision: anchors, framing effect, and the heuristic of emotion

The solution: Create personalized and intriguing search categories.
Additional value: Making the engine stand out.
The method:
• Classifying psychological benefits
and parameters [for example ‘to be
the one who tells others about a
new discovery’]
• Personalized anchors that provide
confidence for each persona
• Offers complementary products for
each profile such as unique photo

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More examples of personalization
Product Design
Marketing Challenges

Case study
An increase in mortgage transactions
The business problem: Insufficient conversion rates between meetings and signing, which results in lost revenue.
The reason: The perceptions of competitors differ slightly.
The challenge: Establishing a preference, closing deals, and making recommendations without fundamentally altering the financial offer.
The main heuristics that intervene in this decision: Mental accounting and Framing effects.

The solution: Customize conversation scripts; differentiate visual presentations and anchoring.
The method:
- Identify the profile during the
warm-up small talk
- Adapt scripts and 'do's and 'don'ts'
- Present the offer using alternative
anchors for different personas
- Suggest the suitable complementary
products for each profile

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More examples of personalization
Product Design
Marketing Challenges

Marketing consulting based on
psychological insights
and accumulated knowledge
In-depth understanding of different types of consumers,
including reference to
conscious and unconscious needs,
preferences, sensitivities, and more.
Strategic planning applications
• Finding the right name, definition,
packaging, and message based
on insights
• Techniques for creating identification
both directly and indirectly
• Defining marketing strategies to
change attitudes and perceptions
• Analyzing decision-making processes
• New product introduction strategy
Motivating applications
• Sharpening verbal and non-verbal
• Establishing loyalty
• Analyzing the buyer's point-of-sale
• Choosing a promotional strategy
that suits the brand

Research applications
• Managing and supervising
qualitative market research
(focus groups, ethnographic studies,
semi-structured in-depth interviews,
inspiration maps, customer journey
maps, brainstorming workshops,
AdSAM, and more).
• Quantitative research: designing
questionnaires, generating insights,
and forming recommendations.
• Supervising and overseeing
campaigns' studies.

Previous Experience (partial list)

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Product Design
Co Factor personalization
The Team
Keren Benor Aharon
Founder and chief consultant

30 years of experience in
bridging business to
product and service design,
from a psychological and behavioral perspective
A proven track record in developing and implementing an AI-based personalization model to encourage:
- Engagement & persistence
- Product and service design
- Behavior change.

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Provide consulting services to local and international clients in the fields of technology, health, communication, services, and consumer goods.

Read more and view a previous experience
Integrating a broad range of academic disciplines (behavioral sciences, psychology, sociology, culture, and business (B.A., M.A., MBA studies).
Authored and published professional books and articles.
Read more about publications
Professional partners
Collaborations with specialists in complementary

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Engagement model inspiration
Three-layer model:
• Explanatory
• Predictive
• Practical

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Relevant experience in recent decades

Focus - psychology and marketing

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Professional publications
Aharon k. (2010) “Secrets of the Consumer”. (2006 First edition).
Both MBA and BA programs at universities and colleges use this book.
Secrets of the Consumer (The book is only in Hebrew)
Emerging adults living at their parents' home.
Chapter in the book "Young people in Israel: research and fieldwork". 2018
There is no reason to leave home (The chapter is only in Hebrew)
Improving cardiac rehabilitation patient adherence via personalized interventions
PLoS One. 2022; 17(8): e0273815